شبكة ذي قار


1976 (( )), The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical Aquariu ...(( ))... / . . .... ...... .. 2000 ( ) , The Aquarian Age , . . 28/8 5/9 1993 Hans Kung ( , ) 1991 ( ) ...(( , ) . Masters))... . - .



( ) ( ) () () : 1875 . .


1-  :

" . . . - - . 121831 11 ... (( ))... Master . . ...(( .. Super natural ))...

...(( ... ))...


2-    :

Lucis Trust World Good Will ArcaneSchool The New Group of World Servers 10469 Djwal Khul . 1924 Company Lucifer Publishing Lucis Trust : , , .


1949. Masters . . . , ( ) Robert Baker . ( ) 1978 . James C. Lynn . , ( ) .



. Aquarian conspiracy book Marilyn Ferguson . ( ) - - - - - - - - . , , , , . , . . .


( ) )


Gaia Mother earth . - - , , (reincarnation) David Spangler - - , ...(( , , . ))...




1-  .

2-    .

3-    .

4-    .

5-    / .


Texe Marrs Mystery Mark of the New Age :-


1-  .


2-    . .


3-  ( ) The Beast, or Antichrist 666.


4-    .


5-  ( ). A New World Order , New World Religion .


6-  .


7-  Luciferic Initiation.. .. ,


8-    .


9-    .


1-  .All seeing eye

2-    Swastika. .

3-  .


4-  666 Anti Christ ( ) ( )


5-   Luciferic Initiation ( . " ( - ) "


6-    : . .


( ) The anti christ . ( ) . . .


, :


1-  The United Nations

2-  The Council on Foreign Relations

3-  The Trilateral Commission

4-  The Bilderbergers Group

5-  The Gorbachev Foundation

6-  The Club of Rome _


- -


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