شبكة ذي قار

" ... . ." .

Leon Panetta " Defense Clandestine Service" " " Special operations units.

() " " " " Asymmetric warfare .

The Los Angeles Times William McRaven Special Operations Command " " .

" Force of Choice" 60 . " " .

" " David Petraeus 1995 . 6 : . 2011. DEVGRU " " .

. " " Leon Panetta . " " Asymmetric warfare . 8 : " : Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense . - Nation Building -Counter Insurgency " " Smart Wars".

: " ! ."

" Coordinating Centers" "" " "! "" Black Sites ""

" Covert Warfare" : " Non-State Actors Failed States ."

David Cloud " " " " " ".

" " . 71 Martin Dempsey .

" " " "! : " ". " "

Rogue ! Chain of Command . !

"" " Defense Clandestine Service" "" " " ! !

: 15.033 : " . "

. " wired " " " . : " " 2004 Michael A. Dooley " " " ! " !!!



1- David S. Cloud " U.S. special forces commander seeks to expand operations " Los Angeles Times s : 04-05-2012 : http://articles.latimes.com/2012/may/04/world/la-fg-special-forces-20120505

2- Greg Miller: " Pentagon establishes Defense Clandestine Service, new espionage unit" The Washington Post : 23-04-2012 : http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/pentagon-creates-new-espionage-unit/2012/04/23/gIQA9R7DcT_story.html

3- : http://booksmm.be/1/books/Spec%20Ops:%20Case%20Studies%20in%20Special%20Operations%20Warfare:%20Theory%20and%20Practice

4- "America's Pacific Century" Foreign Policy : 2011 : http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/10/11/americas_pacific_century?page=full

5- : www.defense.gov/news/Defense_Strategic_Guidance.pdf

6- Eric Schmitt Mark Mazzetti Thom Shanker : " Admiral Seeks Freer Hand in Deployment of Elite Forces " : 12-02-2012 : http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/13/us/admiral-pushes-for-freer-hand-in-special-forces.html?pagewanted=all

7- Thom Shanker : " Army Will Reshape Training, With Lessons From Special Forces" The New York Times : 02-05-2012 : http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/03/us/politics/odierno-seeks-to-reshape-training-and-deployment-for-soldiers.html?_r=1

8- Col. Michael A Dooley : http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/dangerroom/2012/05/dooley_counter_jihad_op_design_v11.pdf




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